The regulatory landscape around Cannabis in Sonoma County and California more broadly is evolving rapidly. Follow our blog for the latest in commentary and analysis of the evolving issues and regulation.

August 2024 Newsletter - Equity grant fiasco

September 3, 2024
August 2024 Newsletter - Equity grant fiasco
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Crime report substantiate the increase in crime associated with cannabis operations

September 3, 2024
Crime report substantiate the increase in crime associated with cannabis operations
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Health Policy Proposals Concerning Cannabis Use and Cultivation- Letter to BOS

August 20, 2024
Letter to Board of Supervisor on Cannabis Health Ordinance coming before the Board on Novembet 12, 2024
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April 30 2024 Newsletter reminder to submit comments on Draft Ordinance by May 3rd

April 30, 2024
April 30 2024 Newsletter reminder to submit comments on Draft Ordinance by May 3rd
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April 2024 Newsletter Proposed Cannabis Ordinance out for comment

April 16, 2024
April 16, 2024 Proposed Cannabis Ordinance out for comment
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