Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure that Sonoma County Cannabis Policy takes into account all stakeholders and promotes sustainable, community-friendly cannabis development. We believe that good policy should balance the needs of residents, communities, existing agricultural and non-agricultural businesses with that of the newly-legal cannabis industry. We are in support of legal cannabis and advocate for policies that encourage sustainable, environmentally conscious, and community-compatible cannabis businesses. We also believe in sharing our knowledge and helping others understand and navigate their experience with the cannabis ordinance in Sonoma.

Who are we

We are a group of residents from varied backgrounds who have long taken a keen interest in Sonoma land use, development, and economic policy. Many of us reside in locales that have been impacted by commercial cannabis, which led us to come together and focus on engaging with the county on this important dialogue. We volunteer our time to ensure that Sonoma's neighborhoods have a strong advocate in policy dialogues, Board of Supervisor decisions, and with federal agencies who regulate this sector in Sonoma and more broadly.

What do we do

We share information and support residents of the County in understanding the laws as commercial cannabis locates legally in Sonoma. We organize collective participation in democratic process by attending county government meetings, making comments, writing letters and promoting an informed population through sharing news and commentary.